
Showing posts from April, 2020
How does one Read the World? Many often think of literacy in a narrow way- reading, writing, listening, speaking, and viewing. However, a multiliteracies perspective challenges us to think beyond this definition and broaden our thinking around what literacy is and how things like power, positioning, perspective, context, and  identity intersect with our understanding of literacy. Zeimke & Muhtaris (2020 ) challenge us to rethink how we define literacy, and specifically include empathy and action in a digital age. Some would argue that this is a critical literacy stance. Take for example, this image:   1.       Who created this text? For what purpose? 2.        Whose voice is included? Excluded? 3.        How does power circulate in this text?        How do you read this text? From what  position? My hope I in this course you will open yourself up to exploring this new way of thinking about literacies, about texts, about creating. I hope you take